Friday, March 27, 2009

Dior Autumn- Winter 2009...

These beautiful, vintage looking dresses are one of my favorite Dior selections.Dior must like alot of vintage designs. I have realized that most Dior is vintage/arty. The background scene was really great. Dior staff made it look like they were at an ancient greek fashion show. I am not sure what the greek background had to do with vintage clothing though. I loved the hats too! If you look at the last picture, the costume designer had made a 1920's flapper sort of hat. I hope everyone has a great rest of the spring! Please keep looking at my website for more fashion updates, Miss Vintage

1 comment:

  1. wow! That looks great! It really does look vintage! John Galliano of Dior always tries to bring the vintage elemants to a modern design. Mr.Galliano has such a great sense of woman and how they have worn clothes throughout history.
    Nice Post!


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